Analog Demodulation Option R&S
Operating Manual 1176.7561.02 ─ 06
[SENSe<1…4>:]AVERage<1…4>:TYPE VIDeo | LINear
Key words in square brackets can be omitted when composing the header. The full command
length must be accepted by the instrument for reasons of compatibility with the SCPI standards.
Parameters in square brackets can be incorporated optionally in the command or omitted as
Parameters in braces can be incorporated optionally in the command, either not at all, once or
several times.
Description of Parameters
Due to the standardization, the parameter section of SCPI commands consists always
of the same syntactical elements. SCPI has therefore specified a series of definitions,
which are used in the tables of commands. In the tables, these established definitions
are indicated in angled brackets (<…>) and is briefly explained in the following.
For details see the chapter "SCPI Command Structure" in the base unit description.
This keyword refers to parameters which can adopt two states, "on" and "off". The "off"
state may either be indicated by the keyword OFF or by the numeric value 0, the "on"
state is indicated by ON or any numeric value other than zero. Parameter queries are
always returned the numeric value 0 or 1.
<numeric_value> <num>
These keywords mark parameters which may be entered as numeric values or be set
using specific keywords (character data). The following keywords given below are per-
: This keyword sets the parameter to the largest possible value.
: This keyword sets the parameter to the smallest possible value.
: This keyword is used to reset the parameter to its default value.
: This keyword increments the parameter value.
: This keyword decrements the parameter value.
The numeric values associated to MAXimum/MINimum/DEFault can be queried by
adding the corresponding keywords to the command. They must be entered following
the quotation mark.
SENSe:FREQuency:CENTer? MAXimum
Returns the maximum possible numeric value of the center frequency as result.
<arbitrary block program data>
This keyword is provided for commands the parameters of which consist of a binary
data block.
Remote Commands of the Analog Demodulation (R&S