Analog Demodulation Option R&S
Operating Manual 1176.7561.02 ─ 06
For typical applications of the R&S EX-IQ-BOX see also the description of the R&S
Digital I/Q Interface (R&S
FSV-B17) in the base unit manual.
For details on configuration see the "R&S®Ex I/Q Box - External Signal Interface Mod-
ule Manual".
For details on installation and operation of the R&S DigIConf software, see the
"R&S®EX-IQ-BOX Digital Interface Module R&S®DigIConf Software Operating Man-
TX Settings ← EXIQ
Opens the "EX-IQ-BOX Settings" dialog box to configure the R&S
FSVA/FSV for digital
output to a connected device ("Transmitter" Type).
RX Settings ← EXIQ
Opens the "EX-IQ-BOX Settings" dialog box to configure the R&S
FSVA/FSV for digital
input from a connected device ("Receiver" Type).
Send To ← EXIQ
The configuration settings defined in the dialog box are transferred to the R&S EX-IQ-
Firmware Update ← EXIQ
If a firmware update for the R&S EX-IQ-BOX is delivered with the R&S
FSVA/FSV firm-
ware, this function is available. In this case, when you select the softkey, the firmware
update is performed.
R&S Support ← EXIQ
Stores useful information for troubleshooting in case of errors.
This data is stored in the
directory on the instru-
If you contact the Rohde&Schwarz support to get help for a certain problem, send
these files to the support in order to identify and solve the problem faster.
DigIConf ← EXIQ
Starts the optional R&S DigIConf application. This softkey is only available if the
optional software is installed.
To return to the R&S
FSVA/FSV application, press any key on the front panel. The
application is displayed with the "EXIQ" menu, regardless of which key was pressed.
For details on the R&S DigIConf application, see the "R&S®EX-IQ-BOX Digital Inter-
face Module R&S®DigIConf Software Operating Manual".
If you close the R&S DigIConf window using the "Close" icon, the window is
minimized, not closed.
If you select the "File > Exit" menu item in the R&S DigIConf window, the application is
closed. Note that in this case the settings are lost and the EX-IQ-BOX functionality is
no longer available until you restart the application using the "DigIConf" softkey in the
FSVA/FSV once again.
Softkeys of the Analog Demodulation option