Rotor-Gene Q MDx CE User Manual 02/2022
Template options provided in this window are similar to those provided when using the Quick Start
wizard (Section 5.1.1).
Perform Last Run
Perform Last Run
imports the cycling, acquisition, and sample definitions from the
last run open in the software.
Empty Run
This is an empty run that allows the user to define all parameters of the profile.
Three Step with Melt
This is a two-step cycling profile with data acquisition on the green channel only, to
speed up the run.
This folder contains 2 high resolution melt profiles.
Other Runs
This folder contains additional profiles.
Instrument Maintenance
This contains the template used during Optical Temperature Verification (OTV). For
more information, see Section 9. This template is locked to ensure the profile will
always operate correctly.
: User-defined templates can be added to the template list by copying or saving *
files to
C:\Program Files\Rotor-Gene Q Software\Templates\
. After copying a file to this path, the template
will appear as an icon in the list.