Rotor-Gene Q MDx CE User Manual 02/2022
Rotor-Gene Q Software messages
The following is a list of use, warning, and other messages that may appear in the Rotor-Gene
Software during hardware and software operation. Any part of the message that is variable, i.e.,
such as characteristic error descriptions are given in brackets (e.g., < ERROR DESCRIPTION >).
Message text
General messages
A raw channel already exists for this page. If you would like to recreate this page, you must first delete
the raw channel via the Options button and then try again.
A serious problem has occurred which requires shutting down the software. After you click OK, your
current work will be saved, and the machine will be turned off, if possible. If this problem persists, please
contact your distributor.
Cannot delete this page. There must always be at least one sample page.
Can't connect to instrument on serial port <COMPORT>. Check the machine is correctly plugged into the
back of the computer, then retry
Can't open the serial port <COMPORT> to connect to the instrument. Check you do not have any
communications software open, then retry.
Could not save to run because some data on the form was invalid. Please check your entries then try
Couldn't save file. Confirm the disk has enough space and that it is free of errors.
E-mail application could not be started. Confirm that it has been correctly installed on your computer.
Encountered an error during run: <ERROR DESCRIPTION>. The run will continue, and a message will be
logged in the messages tab of Run Info.
Instrument was not detected. Please ensure you have correctly connected the instrument, and that the
instrument is turned on.
Logging is currently disabled due to a previous error. Archived logs cannot be viewed until the software
has been restarted.
Not all samples could be normalised as the fluorescent level was too low.
Only runs performed with the same rotor as the current run may be imported.
Please note that log files for the current run will not be available until it has completed.
Please type valid number of times to repeat. It should be more than 0.
Problem encountered while updating log data. Logging has been disabled, but will be renabled on the
next run.
Run file signing ensures the integrity of your run results. Information about a run's signature can be found
in the Run Info window.
Sample ID is locked. Cannot paste over locked samples.
TeeChart Office has not been installed on this computer. Please re-install the Rotor-Gene software.
The COM port configured for the instrument is not selected. You must select a COM port.
The loaded run file contains a signature which does not match the file contents. This means the file has
either been corrupted, or tampered with since it was written by the Rotor-Gene software.
The loaded run file has no signature. The contents of this file cannot be guaranteed.
The Machine serial number is not valid. Serial numbers must be at least 6 digits long.
The machine will now be be cooled to <TEMPERATURE> degrees. The chamber and surfaces will still be
very hot when opening the machine. Please exercise due caution and wear protective gloves if touching
any of the surfaces or tubes.
The regional settings for your computer are conflicting. Ensure your currency and numeric decimal
placeholders are matching.
The serial number entered in the welcome screen <SERIAL NUMBER1> does not match the serial number
stored in the attached machine <SERIAL NUMBER2>. The computer's serial number has now been
updated to match the connected machine.