Rotor-Gene Q MDx CE User Manual 02/2022
For more details on HRM analysis, see Section 10.
Run menu
Start Run
This option starts the defined temperature profile with the current gain settings. Before the run starts,
Profile Run Confirmation
window appears. A graphical representation of the temperature profile
is displayed along with the gain settings for each channel.
Pause Run
This option enables a run to be paused and resumed. Pausing and resuming can seriously affect
the results of a run. For this reason, a marker in the data will indicate that the run was paused and
the length of the pause. A message is also placed in the messages tab of the
Run Settings
(see Section 6.8.1).
Hot surface
When pausing a run, the Rotor-Gene Q MDx will not be cooled completely to
room temperature. Exercise caution before handling the rotor or any tubes in
the instrument.