Rotor-Gene Q MDx CE User Manual 02/2022
System tools
Many system tools may use significant system resources even without any user interaction. Typical
examples of such tools are:
File indexing, which is performed as a background task by many contemporary office
Disk defragmentation, which often also employs a background task
Any software that checks for updates on the internet
Remote monitoring and management tools
Please be aware that due to the dynamic nature of the IT world, this list may not be complete and
tools may be released that are not known at the time of writing. It is important that system
administrators take care that such a tool is not active during a PCR run.
Operating system updates
The laptop computers provided by QIAGEN are configured such that automatic updates of the
operating system are disabled. If your configuration is different, a system administrator must disable
any automatic update process of the operating system, by doing the following steps:
Open the
Control Panel
and select
Windows Update