Rotor-Gene Q MDx CE User Manual 02/2022
Normalization in multiple channels
It is possible to analyze signal data over multiple channels, but the sample setup is more complex.
EndPoint analysis assumes that multiplexing is performed and so each tube can only have a single
tube position. It is not currently possible to analyze a setup in which a sample position is a positive
control for one channel and a negative control for another.
Although only one sample definition per tube position is given in the
Edit Samples
normalization occurs independently for each channel.
If a tube position is a positive control for at least one channel, it should be specified as a positive
control in the “Type” column of the
Edit Samples
window. Otherwise, its type should be
This also applies for negative controls.
For example, if a sample is a positive control in the green channel, but not in the yellow channel,
the sample should still be defined as a positive control. Since the highest positive control in each
channel is used, if there is least one positive control in the yellow channel that amplifies, the
definition of the sample as a control for the green channel is ignored.
The threshold is used to determine the percentage expression required for a reaction in each
channel. Once the positive and negative controls have been defined, all channels will be
normalized to the same 0–100% scale. For this reason, only one threshold is needed, even when
analyzing multiple channels.
Click and drag the threshold line to an area between 0 and 100. The threshold should not be too
close to samples on either side of the line because this indicates that the run was not conclusive. If
the difference between a sample being defined as amplified or not amplified is just a few percent,