Customizing the DSU/CSU
June 1997
Use the left and right arrow keys to scroll through the fields. Select Clear to reset
a field to a null value.
To enter Device Name screen information:
1. Position the cursor in the Device Name field. Enter a name unique in your
system to identify the unit.
The maximum length of Device Name is 20 characters.
2. Position the cursor in the System Name field. Enter a name unique in your
network to identify the system.
The maximum length of System Name is 127 characters.
3. Position the cursor in the System Location field. Enter the physical location of
the system.
The maximum length of System Location is 127 characters.
4. Position the cursor in the System Contact field. Enter the name and contact
information for the person responsible for the unit.
The maximum length of System Contact is 127 characters.
5. Save the Device Name screen information as shown in the next section.