3.11 Troubleshooting
3.11.1 If there is no response
If there is a problem preventing communication between the PC and flowmeter when the flowmeter is
connected as described in section 3.2 "Starting and Connecting LinkTop", or while this application is
being used, then a message box will appear as shown in Fig. 170. Click the "OK" button if this happens,
then verify the following and try reconnecting from the beginning as described in section 3.2 "Starting and
Connecting LinkTop":
Is the smart communication unit
s probe or unit disconnected?
Is the flowmeter converter receiving power?
3.11.2 If it is not possible to connect to the flowmeter
If, when the flowmeter is connected as described in section 3.2 "Starting and Connecting LinkTop", a
converter not supported by this application software is connected, then the message box shown in Fig.
171 will appear. Click the "OK" button, then verify the following and try reconnecting from the beginning as
described in section 3.2 "Starting and Connecting LinkTop":
Does the connected converter match the type of converter supported by the application software that is