E-023-2-E Downloading
This function is used to send all the parameters from a selected file to the flowmeter converter. This
makes it possible to use the same parameters to set up another flowmeter converter (to copy settings).
To download, verify the parameters in the current flowmeter to ensure that it is the right flowmeter.
To save parameters, follow the instructions in section "Saving files".
After verifying the flowmeter, load the data to be downloaded.
Click the "File (F)" menu and select "Download (D)" from the "Database (F)" drop-down list.
The standard dialog will be displayed (Fig. 164). Select the disk and folder where the file to be
downloaded is stored from the drop-down list.
Select the file to download by clicking it. Verify the "File Name (N)" and click the "Open (O)" button. To
exit without downloading the file, click the "Cancel" button.
A message box (Fig. 165) will be displayed. Click the "OK" button to download the data to the
To not download the data, click the "Cancel" button.
Once the data is downloaded, the various setting values will be modified, and this will change the
output values from the flowmeter as well. If the flowmeter
s output is used to control valves or other
such parts, then for the sake of safety, change the control loop to manual control so that the control
loop is in a state whereby it is not influenced by the flowmeter
s output.
Click the icon of the
file to download.
The file name is
Click here to select
the disk and folder.
Click after selecting
the file.