Chapter 10: Maintenance
Bumper Cover
This is the only cover that requires tools to remove.
1. Remove the screws at the sides of the cover.
Retain the screws for reinstalling the bumper cover.
2. Pull the cover off of the bumper.
It is held on with magnets, as well as screws.
Rear Outer Cover
This cover houses the two rear sonar pairs, which must be disconnected once the cover is part-
way off the chassis. Each pair consists of one emitter and one receiver.
1. Pull the top of the cover away from the chassis a few inches.
The cover will pivot on the metal brace at its bottom edge.
2. Pull the four sonar wires, with their connectors, out of the chassis holes.
Refer to the following two figures.
Figure 10-9. Sonar Leads, with Connectors Still in Chassis
3. Unscrew all four sonar connectors.
Ensure that both sides of all connectors are labeled, and match. If not, label them.
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LD Cart Transporter User's Manual