LD Cart Transporter User's Manual
14766-000 Rev H
8.2 Typical Operation
Figure 8-1. Examples of the Platform or AMR Getting Stuck, (A) Platform Stuck Under Overhang,
(B) AMR Option Stuck Under Overhang, (C) Driven off Ledge, and (D) Driven Over Excessive Gap
Cart Getting Stuck on Platform
To remove a cart that is stuck in the latched position:
1. Power off the cart transporter completely.
2. Press and hold the Unlatch button on the Operator panel until the transporter is fully
unlatched. It should take about 5 seconds for the latch to start moving.
8.2 Typical Operation
During normal startup, your platform powers all its onboard systems
and runs its onboard
software automatically to provide an application-ready AMR. If it has been given a map of its
workspace and knows where it is within that environment (localized), your AMR is ready to
perform on startup and will operate autonomously, without human intervention.
Paths are not pre-programmed, but instead are generated dynamically onboard the platform.
Paths are updated many times per second to maintain a smooth trajectory and to account for
any obstacles that are detected by the onboard sensors. Navigational parameters are stored
onboard the platform, and can be viewed and modified using the MobilePlanner software,
which is covered in the
FLOW Core User's Guide
The MobilePlanner application, running on your computer, is used to configure the many
high-level operating characteristics of the platform, including speeds and accelerations, sensor
safety zones, minimum battery level allowed before docking for recharging, which map to use,
and many other parameters. The MobilePlanner software typically communicates with the
As configured either by the factory or through your own parameter changes.