Chapter 1: Introduction
What’s Included with an LD Platform Cart Transporter
One fully-assembled platform
The platform includes a safety scanning laser, a low front laser, two side lasers, a rear-
facing laser, and two rear-facing sonar pairs. Each pair is one transmitter and one
One battery
This is shipped separately from the platform, due to air shipping regulations.
If the battery was shipped by air, it will be at less than 30% charge per IATA reg-
Top plate and coupling plate
The platform top plate covers the payload bay of the platform, and supports the lower
(platform) coupling plate, which engages the cart coupling plate, attached to the cart,
and the coupling laser.
LD Platform core, which includes an integrated computer, running Advanced Robotics
Automation Management (ARAM) and a microcontroller with MARC firmware. The
core is housed inside the platform. It also runs the SetNetGo OS.
ARAM and MARC firmware and the SetNetGo OS are pre-loaded on the LD Platform
An HMI Post
This supports the two side lasers and the rear-facing laser, both for obstacle avoidance.
It also supports the Operator Panel.
Operator Panel
This includes a touchscreen, an E-Stop button, ON and OFF buttons, a brake-release but-
ton, and a keyswitch, which can be locked, and key removed, in either position. The
panel’s frame supports two WiFi antennas and a beacon.
There are LATCH and UNLATCH buttons below the E-Stop.
The optional Acuity Localization camera mounts on top of the Operator panel frame, on
the same plane as the antennas and beacon.
Automated docking station
This allows the LD Platform to charge itself, without user intervention. It includes a
wall-mount bracket and a floor plate, for a choice of installation methods. See Installing
the Docking Station on page 51.
A manual charging cord is included, so you can charge a spare battery outside of the
Joystick (option)
This is used for manually controlling the AMR, mostly when making a scan to be used
for generating a map.
At least one joystick is needed for each fleet of AMRs. Once a map is generated, the map
can be shared with multiple AMRs working in the same space.
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LD Cart Transporter User's Manual