Chapter 7: Operator Interface
Slow pulse:
Driving with Warning (doesn't prevent driving, such as low battery)
The Light Discs will be orange instead of blue for Stopped, Driving, and Turn Signals.
Beacon alternates green then yellow.
Turn Signal with Warning (doesn't prevent driving, such as low battery)
Same as Turn Signals, but both the blue rotating arc and blinking segment are orange. The
moving arc and the blinking segment have independent timing.
Driving Slowly, E-Stop Inactive
When driving under 300 mm/s, the LD does not generate E-Stop, however it still actively per-
forms safety checking and successfully avoids obstacles. The pattern is essentially the same as
driving, except the background blinks orange. The moving arc and the blinking segment have
independent timing.
Stopped with Warning (such as low battery)
The light discs will be orange instead of blue for Stopped with Warning. Beacon alternates
long green with short yellow.
14766-000 Rev H
LD Cart Transporter User's Manual