Chapter 7: Operator Interface
Config > Robot Interface > Payload Present Messages and Behavior
The AlertWhenPayloadNeededForDropoff must be checked.
The PayloadNeededForDropoffShortDescription must have a value. In this case, the
value is “Payload Needed”, which is displayed in the screen’s left pane.
The PayloadNeededForDropoffLongDescription must have a value. In this case, the
value is “The robot has a destination but does not have a payload. Please load an item
or cancel the dropoff.” This will be displayed in the screen’s center pane.
The payload parameter section will not be displayed unless the
payload slots at the top of the Payload Present Messages and Behavior are
set to a non-zero value.
The Home screen also has an entry for relocalizing a lost AMR from the touchscreen. See Relo-
calization on page 118.
When you select Home from the right pane tabs (rather than when the software switches to
Home), the center pane will display information about the AMR's current mission, such as the
job details or the current route task.
Dropoffs Tab - Choose Dropoff mode only
Dropoffs shows the available goals, giving the Operator the ability to choose the next goals,
and shows the status of the AMR with respect to the goals it has been assigned.
In Patrol mode, this option isn’t displayed.
Status Tab
After touching the Status tab, you will be given a choice of either Alerts, Robot, I/O, or Peri-
pherals (which accesses screen-cleaning mode).
The number of alert messages that are available for viewing is indicated by a number in a red
circle on the Status button. See the preceding figure.
Figure 7-6. Status Tab and Sub-menu
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LD Cart Transporter User's Manual