LD Cart Transporter User's Manual
14766-000 Rev H
4.3 Configuring a Touchscreen
This is the priority assigned to any dropoff that is specified as high-priority.
Higher priority jobs will be serviced before lower-priority jobs by the queuing
manager. This has no effect if AllowHighPriorityDropoffs is disabled.
Dropoff Buttons
This is accessed under
Pages > ChooseDropoffPage
This specifies the total number of buttons that will be available on the touch-
screen page. You can scroll the page to see other buttons, if all of the buttons can-
not be displayed at once.
There will be a DropoffButton1 through DropoffButtonx, where x = DropoffBut-
tonCount. Each contains the two following parameters:
This is a combo box that lists all of the goals that have been created
on the map. Select the map goal to be serviced when this dropoff
button is pressed.
A goal can have a wait time associated with
it, to give an Operator time to load or unload the
AMR. This is configured, in the map, using the
MobilePlanner software.
You can eliminate a button from the screen by making GoalName
blank. The other buttons will fill in, so there will be no blank spaces
in the screen.
This is the text label displayed on the dropoff button. If empty, the
GoalName is displayed.
Patrol Route Mode
The following parameters only apply to the Patrol Route mode.
In this mode you need to specify the name of the Patrol Route that the AMR will patrol. The
route needs to have already been set up using the MobilePlanner software. You also need to
specify if the AMR will start its patrol automatically, or if it requires an Operator to press Go.
Pages > PatrolRoutePage
In RouteName, enter the route to be patrolled.
Check AutoStartRoute for the AMR to start its patrol as soon as the Patrol Route screen
is displayed (the touchscreen has finished booting).