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Rev. 2.4 — 13 September 2016
198 of 464
NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 13: LPC5410x SCTimer/PWM (SCT0)
The prescaler is enabled when the clock mode is not 01, or when the input edge
selected by the CLKSEL field is detected.
The counter is enabled when the prescaler is enabled, and (PRELIM=0 or the
prescaler is equal to the value in PRELIM).
An I/O component of an event can occur in any SCT clock when its counter HALT bit is 0.
In general, a Match component of an event can only occur in a UT clock when its counter
HALT and STOP bits are both 0 and the counter is enabled.
shows when the various kinds of events can occur.
13.7.9 SCT operation
In its simplest, single-state configuration, the SCT operates as an event controlled one- or
bidirectional counter. Events can be configured to be counter match events, an input or
output level, transitions on an input or output pin, or a combination of match and
input/output behavior. In response to an event, the SCT output or outputs can transition,
or the SCT can perform other actions such as creating an interrupt or starting, stopping, or
resetting the counter. Multiple simultaneous actions are allowed for each event.
Furthermore, any number of events can trigger one specific action of the SCT.
An action or multiple actions of the SCT uniquely define an event. A state is defined by
which events are enabled to trigger an SCT action or actions in any stage of the counter.
Events not selected for this state are ignored.
In a multi-state configuration, states change in response to events. A state change is an
additional action that the SCT can perform when the event occurs. When an event is
configured to change the state, the new state defines a new set of events resulting in
different actions of the SCT. Through multiple cycles of the counter, events can change
the state multiple times and thus create a large variety of event controlled transitions on
the SCT outputs and/or interrupts.
Once configured, the SCT can run continuously without software intervention and can
generate multiple output patterns entirely under the control of events.
To configure the SCT, see
To start, run, and stop the SCT, see
To configure the SCT as simple event controlled counter/timer, see
Table 237. Event conditions
Event can occur on clock:
Event can occur whenever HALT = 0 (type A).
Event can occur when HALT = 0 and STOP = 0 and the counter is
enabled (type C).
From the IO component: Event can occur whenever HALT = 0 (A).
From the match component: Event can occur when HALT = 0 and
STOP = 0 and the counter is enabled (C).
Event can occur when HALT = 0 and STOP = 0 and the counter is
enabled (C).
Event can occur whenever HALT = 0 (A).