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User manual
Rev. 2.4 — 13 September 2016
279 of 464
NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 21: LPC5410x USARTs (USART0/1/2/3)
As a LIN slave, the autobaud feature can be used to synchronize to a LIN sync byte, and
will return the value of the sync byte as confirmation of success.
Wake-up for LIN can potentially be handled in a number of ways, depending on the
system, and what clocks may be running in a slave device. For instance, as long as the
USART is receiving internal clocks allowing it to function, it can be set to wake up the CPU
for any interrupt, including a received start bit. If there are no clocks running, the GPIO
function of the USART RX pin can be programmed to wake up the device.