P/N 960-100190RA_Rev. A {EDP #148851}
© 2009, Japan CashMachine Co., Limited
6 - 9
Performance Tests
VEGA-RC™BankNote Recycler
Section 6
3. Press Pushbutton “D” on the VEGA-RC Unit.
The Seven (7) Segment Display will indicate an
A/D Value for Full/Empty Detection Sensor #2.
The value being displayed represents the Sensor
reading that was taken at a time when the internal
Film Belt Bobbin was “Empty”, or nearly empty.
Seven (7) Segment Display will indicate “
followed by the Empty A/D Value as shown in
Figure 6-26.
The Full/Empty Detection Sensors #1 and #2
A/D Value Test is now complete. Pressing Push-
button “
” will allow the user to cycle back and
view the A/D Values again.
4. To exit the Test, Press and hold-down the “
Pushbutton on the VEGA-RC Unit for 3 seconds
to return the Unit to Test Selection Mode.
NOTE: The Seven (7) Segment Display
Indication continues showing the A/D
Value until the “D” (Retrieve) Pushbutton is
pressed a second time.
0.5 Seconds
Figure 6-26
Full/Empty Detection Sensor 2 Empty
A/D Value (E@05)
NOTE: Full/Empty Detection Sensor #2 is
used to detect the Film Belt Bobbin’s
radius. The detection threshold is set at 60
Hexadecimal. If the displayed A/D Value is
less than 60H it indicates that the Film Belt
Bobbin is empty or nearly empty.
NOTE: The Seven (7) Segment Display
Indication continues showing the A/D
Value until the “D” (Retrieve) Pushbutton is
pressed a second time.