P/N 960-100190RA_Rev. A {EDP #148851}
© 2009, Japan CashMachine Co., Limited
6 - 5
Performance Tests
VEGA-RC™BankNote Recycler
Section 6
4. Close the VEGA Unit’s Upper Section and verify
that the Seven (7) Segment Display indicates a
Sensor ON
” indication as shown in Figure 6-11.
The Escrow Sensor Input Test is now complete.
Press and hold-down the “
” Pushbutton on the
VEGA-RC Unit for 3 seconds to return the Unit
to Test Selection Mode.
VEGA Stack-In Sensor Input Test
This test is performed to verify the VEGA Stack-In
Sensors’ status. Perform the VEGA Escrow Sensor
Input Test first before proceeding with this test.
To perform the VEGA Unit Stack-In Sensor Input
Test, proceed as follows:
1. Use Pushbutton “B” or “D” on the VEGA-RC to
select Test Zero (T0).
2. Press Pushbutton “
”. The Seven (7) Segment
Display should indicate “
” followed by “
3. At the rear of the VEGA BV Unit, remove the
Course Reversing Guide (review Figure 1-4 i of
the VEGA BV Service Manual) by depressing
the Course Reversing Guide Release Buttons
(review Figure 1-4 j of the VEGA BV Service
Manual) and pull the Guide Door away from the
Unit allowing light to effect the internal Sensor.
4. With the Course Reversing Guide Door removed,
verify that the Seven (7) Segment Display on the
VEGA-RC indicates a “
Sensor ON
” indication as
shown in Figure 6-12.
5. Replace the Course Reversing Guide back onto
the VEGA BV Unit, and verify that the Seven (7)
Segment Display on the VEGA-RC now indi-
cates a “
Sensor OFF
” condition as shown in Fig-
ure 6-13.
The Stack-In Sensor Input Test is now complete.
Press and hold-down the “
” Pushbutton on the
VEGA-RC Unit for 3 seconds to return the Unit
to Test Selection Mode.
VEGA RC Flap Sensor Input Test
This test is performed to verify the VEGA-RC Flap
Sensors’ status. To perform the VEGA-RC Flap
Sensor Input Test, proceed as follows:
1. Use Pushbutton “B” or “D” on the VEGA-RC to
select Test Zero (T0).
2. Press
”. The Seven (7) Segment
Display should indicate “
” followed by “
3. On the VEGA BV Unit, press in on the Upper
Section Open/Close Buttons (review Figure 1-4 c
of the VEGA BV Service Manual) and lift the
Upper Section to its fully open position. The
Seven (7) Segment Display on the VEGA-RC
will indicate “P1” followed by “oF” as previ-
ously illustrated in Figure 6-10.
4. On the VEGA BV Upper Section, find the Black-
colored Plastic spring-loaded RC Flap Lever
which is located towards the rear on the right side
of the Unit.
5. Press downwards on the RC Flap Lever to acti-
vate the RC Flap Sensor. Verify that the display
on the VEGA-RC indicates “
” followed by
” as shown in Figure 6-14.
6. Release the RC Flap Lever. The Lever will auto-
matically return to its home position. Verify that
the VEGA-RC Seven (7) Segment Display indi-
cates “
” followed by “
” as shown in Figure
The RC Flap Sensor Input Test is now complete.
Close the VEGA BV Upper Section. Press and
0.5 Seconds
Figure 6-10
Escrow Sensor OFF (PI oF)
0.5 Seconds
Figure 6-11
Escrow Sensor ON (PI on)
0.5 Seconds
Figure 6-12
Stack-In Sensor On (P2 on)
0.5 Seconds
Figure 6-13
Stack-In Sensor OFF (P2 oF)
NOTE: Use caution when opening the
VEGA BV Upper Section to its fully open
position. Unless sufficient banknotes exist
in the VEGA BV Cash Box to counter-
balance the weight of the VEGA-RC, the
unit may tend to tip backwards and will
need to be supported by hand in order to
maintain the Unit in an upright position.
NOTE: When the Upper Section is fully
open (as in this test) the spring-loaded RC
Flap Lever will appear on the right side of
the Unit directly above the circular
mounting hole which is used for attaching
the Upper Section to the Lower Section.
The RC Flap Lever is not visible or
accessible when the Upper Section is
0.5 Seconds
Figure 6-14
RC Flap Sensor ON (Fr on)
0.5 Seconds
Figure 6-15
RC Flap Sensor OFF (Fr oF)