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4.3.6. Auxiliary Cables
The auxiliary cables connect the handheld
controller, cooler and power controller. 36VDC and
network signals are used in the cable.
Both auxiliary cable connector ends are identical
and interchangeable.
Inspect the cable and connectors for damage before use. When any damage
is evident, the cable must
be utilized. Use of a damaged cable may be a
safety hazard and could also put other system components at risk.
4.3.7. J300 Encoder Cable
The encoder cable connects the
system to the user’s instrument. This cable allows
transmission of two-axis position signals from the
to the instrument. The encoder cable
also provides 5VDC from the user’s instrument to
the encoder isolation circuitry.
Various encoder styles are available for various
Inspect the cable and connectors for damage before use. When damage is
evident, the cable must
be used.
4.3.8. Irrigation Kit
The irrigation kit provides a variety of hoses,
fittings, connectors and splitters commonly used
during non-destructive inspection.
4.3.9. HT Cable Management
The high temperature cable management
provides a means of protecting and organizing
cables, tubes and hoses.
Fig. 50 - Auxiliary cable
Fig. 51 - Encoder cable
Fig. 52 - Irrigation kit
Fig. 53 - HT cable management