About Transport Ready Packages
Risk of Injury, Damage or Death
Failure to observe and follow transport warnings and instructions may result in injury, damage or
– Wheelchair occupants should transfer into the vehicle seat and use the OEM (Original
Equipment Manufacturer) vehicle-installed restraint system.
– Ensure wheelchair is secured using proper restraint systems. Use ONLY Wheelchair Tie-down
and Occupant Restraint Systems (WTORS) which meet the requirements of the SAE (Society of
Automotive Engineers) J2249 Recommended Practice during travel in a motor vehicle.
– Wheelchair-mounted accessories, including but not limited to IV poles, trays, respiratory
equipment, backpacks, and other personal items should be removed and secured separately.
– Spill proof batteries, such as “gel cells”, should be installed on wheelchair to be used during
travel in a motor vehicle.
– Contact Invacare Corporation with any questions about using this wheelchair for seating in a
motor vehicle.
Risk of Injury, Damage or Death
Improper installation or service may result in injury, damage or death.
– Transport ready packages are not retrofittable to existing models and are not field serviceable.
– DO NOT overtighten hardware.
Risk of Injury, Damage or Death
Alteration or substitution may result in injury, damage or death.
– DO NOT alter or substitute product parts, components or systems.
Risk of Injury, Damage or Death
Damaged parts due to collision or impact may result in injury, damage or death.
– Seek immediate attention and service if wheelchair is involved in a collision or impact event.
This includes, but is not limited to, vehicle accidents, mishandling and impact events where the
wheelchair strikes something or is struck by something that may cause damage.
– Ensure your wheelchair is working properly and is inspected by a qualified Invacare technician if
the wheelchair is involved in a collision or impact event.
NOTE: ANSI = American National Standards Institute, RESNA= Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society
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