Capacitive Touchscreen
User Manual H12 / SCAMAX® 8x1 - Version 2019.12
The setting group
has four menu items
access to the configura-
tion of the four available
scanner counters. Counter Settings
Since the settings de-
tails are the same for all
counters, only C
ounter 1
will be discussed, here.
The mask pictured
here is graphically edi-
ted, because it exceeds
the display area of the
touchscreen. Counter Value
The top setting
Use Values of
on this screen will
allow you to copy the
Counter Value
, in the field
below, from a different scanning profile. Selecti-
on is through a dynamic drop-down list which
will display all profiles available on this scanner.
The default entry is
Own Profile
<profile name>
and refers to the currently active profile.
Counter Value
will return the current count, however, this field
may also be used to assign a new counter value. Depending on the
Count Mode
setting, the Counter
Value will either refer to the last sheet scanned (
) or to the next sheet to be scanned (
). Description
Use this field to give this counter a name. The
name is used on the scan screen (
see chapter
) for labeling respective counter values. If
Edit counters
see chapter
) has been added as
one of the Quick-Access Buttons, then the counter descriptions will be used there, too.