User Manual H12 / SCAMAX® 8x1 - Version 2019.12
9.2.20. Paper Inside Rear Output Area
(Error 227)
This error indicates that a scan process has been started,
although documents are still in the Rear Output Area.
This happens when according to a previous error, this
area has not been cleared. To fix the error, before a new
Scanstart, proceed according to General Paper Jam
Handling (
see chapter
). If the error is not eliminated
that way, it may also indicate that scraps of paper, staples
or the like are stuck this area. Please clean this area thoro-
ughly. Under certain circumstances the Rear Output Pressure Unit must be removed (
see chapter
9.2.21. Paper Inside Upper/Lower Transport Path
(Error 228/230)
This error indicates that a scan process has been started,
although documents are still in the respective transport
area of the scanner. By "lower" the transport area bet-
ween the Scan Plane and Output is meant, with "upper"
the transport area between the lower transport area and
2nd Output. This happens when according to a previous
error, this area has not been cleared. To fix the error, be-
fore anew Scanstart, proceed according to General Paper
Jam Handling (
see chapter
). If the error is not eliminated that way, it may also indicate that scraps
of paper, staples or the like are stuck in the respective area. Please open the corresponding Output
Hopper (
see chapter
) and thoroughly clean the area. When errors occur in the upper transport
area, it may also be necessary for this purpose to open the Intermediate Drive Unit (
see chapter
9.2.22. Paper Inside (2nd) Output Area
(Error 229/231)
These errors indicate that a scan process has been star-
ted, although documents are still in the respective paper
output area of the scanner. This happens when accor-
ding to a previous error, this area has not been cleared.
To fix the error, before anew Scanstart, proceed accor-
ding to General Paper Jam Handling (
see chapter
). If
the error is not eliminated that way, it may also indicate
that scraps of paper, staples or the like are stuck in the
respective area. Please open the corresponding Output Hopper (
see chapter
) and thoroughly
clean the area.
9.2.23. Input Tray(s) Not Installed Properly
(Error 232)
This error is displayed when one of the Input Plates is
not properly inserted in the Single or Dual Input Hopper
while the scanner gets initialized. In this case, check the
existing Input Plates for correct seat (
see chapter
and via the button
in the error message re-initialize
the Input Hopper.