User Manual H12 / SCAMAX® 8x1 - Version 2019.12 Danger Spot Crush/Jam 2
This warning icon indicates to the possible risk of crush or jam body parts if the Rack
Gaiters has been released. In this case metal braces between the Lifting Columns are
exposed, which are normally covered by this Gaiters. While lower the scanner by its
Height Adjustment there will exist a higher risk of crush or shear off body parts. Danger Spot Crush/Jam 3
Also this warning icon is related to the Height Adjustment of the scanner and indicates
to the possible risk of crush or jam the body while lower the scanner. Because of the
heavy weight of the unit it’s not allowed to lower the scanner while anybody is under-
neath the unit. Danger Spot Electrical Voltage
The beside warning icon indicates to an area of electrical voltage. In the actual case it
points to the housing of the Power Supply which is normally covered by the right hand
Rack Gaiter. This housing may
be opened by a trained technician while the scan-
ner is not connected to a power cord.