User Manual H12 / SCAMAX® 8x1 - Version 2019.12
9.2.24. Base Cover Opened
(Error 233)
This error appears when the Base Cover of the device was
opened during the scan process or an attempt was made
to start a scan process, even though the Base Cover is
not properly closed. To fix the error, it must be ensured
that the Base Cover is installed correctly (
see chapter
9.2.25. Cover Output Hopper (Top) Opened
(Error 234/235)
These errors are displayed when one of the Covers Out-
put Hopper of the device was opened during the scan
process or an attempt was made to start a scan process
even though one of the Covers Output Hopper was not
properly closed. To fix the error, it must be ensured that
the Cover Output Hopper or the Cover Output Hopper
Top is properly installed (
see chapter
9.2.26. Sheet Overlength
(Error 236)
This error occurs if
Enable Length Control
see chapter
) has been selected and the scanned document
has exceeded the run length of the defined paper format
see chapter
). Depending on the
setting (
), this may also be the width
of the format. To fix the error, before anew Scanstart,
proceed according to General Paper Jam Handling (
9.2.27. Stepper Driver Overheated
(Error 241)
This error code will be shown if one of the motor-driver
assemblies has been overloaded. In order to remove this
error condition, you will need to turn off the scanner for
several minutes. Before starting the next scanning pro-
cess, you may want to check the paper path for foreign
bodies that might have obstructed the paper transport
mechanism. If the error occurs again, the service en-
gineer or the technical support of InoTec GmbH (
) is to be notified.
9.2.28. Patch Detection Inconsistency
(Error 242)
Patchcode detection is not only performed by the scan-
ner’s camera, but also by optical sensors in the scanner’s
document input section. This error code appears if dif-
fering patchcode values are returned by both methods.
The offending patchcode sheet should be examined for
quality issues and replaced, if necessary. Before anew
Scanstart, proceed according to General Paper Jam
Handling (
see chapter