Cleaning and Maintenance
User Manual H12 / SCAMAX® 8x1 - Version 2019.12
To clean, a lint-free cloth is soaked with some SCAMAX®
SV1A Cleaning Solution for Rubbers & Belts and thus
rubbed over each lining of the two Input Rollers until
the adherent dirt is removed and the lining has a good
grip again. After that, allow the Input Rollers to dry at
least 10 minutes, then put them back into the Housing
Roller Assembly and lightly press the two housing halves
together until both locking hooks engage into place.
To install the Assembly, the unlocking pin, as described
at the beginning of this chapter, pushed to the left and
held firmly. Now insert the Roller Assembly in a possibly
horizontal alignment with the right spur gear first, onto
the counterpart on the drive shaft and then swivel the
left side, so that the rotating ring of the bracket when
returning the unlocking pin slides into the left, plate-sha-
ped receptacle of the Roller Assembly.
If the Input Roller assembly is missing or if it has been improperly installed, a corresponding error
message (
see chapter
) will be shown on the scanner’s display.
Replacing the Feeder Roller Friction Linings
If occurring feeder error (
see chapter
) due to wear
and can no longer be fixed by cleaning the linings as
described in the previous chapter, then the Feeder Rol-
ler Friction Linings should be replaced. It may already
be enough to replace the linings of the PreInput Roller,
that are subject to greater wear, with new linings, or to
exchange it with the linings of the Input Roller, if iden-
tical lining types (
see chapter
) are used. The exch-
ange must always be in pairs.
For the exchange of linings the Roller Assembly must
first be removed and opened as described in the previ-
ous chapter. Now take the respective Input Roller from
the housing and pull off existing linings laterally, left
and right from the roller and fit the new linings on until
they are completely in the designated area of the roller.
Because of the flexible material of the linings both re-
moval as well as fitting on the linings is possible without
special force application. After exchange of the linings,
place the Input Rollers into the housing, close this and
install it in the scanner, as described in the previous chapter.
Input Roller
PreInput Roller