Hybrid Ultra
855-350-050_Rev2.0_Instruction Manual
of 84
The unit has no password assigned by default, so an Administrator
password should be assigned to the unit for improved security.
Record the new password(s) for future access. If the
Administrator password is lost the unit must be reset to return the
password to the blank default setting, causing loss of all other
user settings (see Section 3.3).
User Accounts
Shows the User Name and Access Level.
Edit User
Select to edit an existing user account. Set the access level for each user.
Access Level:
Set the access level:
This level has full access to the unit settings
and can set up users and change passwords (“admin” is the
default user).
User has read-only access to the unit, but can enable
or disable the outputs, and change some of the basic settings.
: User can only view status, cannot change any
: Enter the new password for the chosen user.
Password (confirm)
: Re-enter the new password to confirm the entry.
Confirm Changes
User Name
: Enter admin user name to confirm these changes are valid.