Hybrid Ultra
855-350-050_Rev2.0_Instruction Manual
of 84
Trap User Name:
Set the username for SNMPv3 traps. This field is only
used for v3 traps.
Authentication Protocol:
Set the authentication protocol for SNMPv3
traps (None, MD5, or SHA).
Authentication Password:
If an authentication protocol is selected, set
the authentication password for SNMPv3 traps.
Privacy Protocol:
Set the privacy protocol for SNMPv3 traps (None, or
Privacy Password:
If a privacy protocol is selected, set the privacy
password for SNMPv3 traps.
Trap IP Addresses:
Set the IP addresses for up to two devices that will
receive SNMP traps from the unit.
NOTE: Save Settings before selecting a different tab.
Use this tab to configure all e-mail settings to enable automatic e-mail
notifications directly from the unit. The information required for this is
available from the Network Administrator, or Internet Service Provider (ISP).
SMTP Server:
Set the name or the IP address of the SMTP server used
for sending outgoing e-mail (e.g., “smtp.gmail.com”).
SMTP Port:
Set the port used by the SMTP server. The default setting
is 25.