will remain off until the Temperature falls back below the set-point. The Equip-
ment cannot be controlled independently.
Select Equipment -
After selecting the desired interlock statement, use the
buttons labeled “Temp. Sensor”, “Temperature” and “Equipment” located below
the interlock statement to choose the temperature sensor, temperature and
equipment that your would like to interlock. Pressing any of these buttons will
bring you to another screen with all of the possible equipment that can be inter-
locked. Choose the desired temperature sensor, temperature and equipment
then press save to lock in those values.
After saving the equipment, the interlock statement will change to include your selected equipment.
Verify that the interlock statement correctly states the interlock that you would like to create and then
press save to create the interlock.
Configuration Summary
The VS Omni displays all configured equipment in a table for you to view.
Scroll through all configured devices and make sure they've been properly assigned.
Finished with Configuration
Now that all equipment has been configured, select the following:
Customizing / Add Components -
use this selection to go back into Configuration and make
Save and Restart -
this selection will save your configuration settings and restart the VS Omni.
Quick Edit Guide
If additional pool or backyard equipment is added after initial configuration, or you’d like to make a
change to an existing configuration setting, re-enter the Configuration Wizard and select “Edit”. Af-
ter selecting “Edit”, you will be brought to the Quick Edit Main Menu screen as shown below. Quick
Edit allows you to go directly to the equipment that you’d like to add/remove/configure. When you
have finished editing the configuration, you will return to this screen to save your changes.
There are a number of additional buttons that appear in Quick Edit that either have functions unique
to Quick Edit or do not appear anywhere else in the system. These buttons are as follows:
Pre Programmed Config (VSP, Htr, Lt)
New Typical Configuration
New Advanced Configuration
Edit Current Configuration
Main Menu
Add Interlock
System Options