Advanced Configuration Wizard Guide
As you progress through the Configuration Wizard, refer to the following information to help answer
questions and make selections. Be aware that you may be asked to configure options/features that
the VS Omni does not support. If unclear, refer to the "Features" section on page 4 to determine the
type of operation that the VS Omni supports. Configuring equipment or functions that are not sup-
ported will prevent the VS Omni from working properly.
Connect to Home Network
- The first thing you will do in the Configuration Wizard is connect to you
home network. Refer to the “Connect to Home Network” section on page 24 for more information
on this part of the Configuration Wizard.
Enable Screen Color Changes for System Alerts?
To alert the user of warning conditions (no flow,
failed sensor, etc.), the VS Omni can change its screen color. The screen can display yellow or red
depending on the severity of the condition.
Time and Date
- Set the current date and time using a 12hr clock (AM/PM) or 24hr clock (military
time). Save by touching the Done button when finished. NOTE: When registering the VS Omni and
creating a web account, you’ll be prompted to enter a Time Zone. Be sure to enter the same time
zone as the physical location of the VS Omni, otherwise schedules and timers will be inaccurate.
Select Desired Units of Measure (Standard or Metric)
- If Standard is selected, temperatures will
be displayed in Fahrenheit and chemistry readings will be in ppm. If Metric is selected, temperatures
will be displayed in Celsius and chemistry readings will be in g/L.
Select Desired Units of Measure (Speed in % or Speed in RPM)
- If Speed in % is selected,
then pump speeds will be displayed in %. If Speed in RPM is selected, then pump speeds will be
displayed in RPM.
- The VS Omni MSP ID number will be displayed. This unique number is used to identify
your VS Omni when setting up a web account. A web account is needed to access the VS Omni over
the web by mobile devices.
write down the MSP ID number for future use. The MSP
ID number will be needed when entering the configuration wizard after initial configuration as well
as entering and exiting Simple Mode. Simple Mode is a customizable screen that can be set up for
quick access to pool/spa functions and features.
How many Bodies of Water?
The VS Omni can support one or two bodies of water, typically a pool
and spa. Select the number and advance. You’ll be brought to a screen where you can add, delete or
edit a Body of Water. When initially configuring the VS Omni, a “?” will appear in the Body of Water
button. You will have to configure this body of water by selecting it and then touching the Advance
button. When finished configuring bodies of water, you’ll be returned to this same screen. Touch
the Done button and advance to the next section of configuration.
If selecting two bodies of water, note that the filter pump and heater must be shared
for both. The VS Omni does not support more than one filter pump and heater for both the pool and
spa. Do not make selections that allow more than one set of equipment.
The following instructions are for Body of Water 1 (Pool) configuration. When finished