2 .5 .1 .4 Connection to A&D Weight Indicators.
The GS8920 Ticket Printer may be connected to any digital weight indicator manufactured by A&D
provided that it has a serial output that complies with the following specification.
RS-232C or 20mA Active Current Loop 2400 baud Stream Mode Format 1 containing 1 data string
with the displayed weight or 3 separate strings of weight data containing gross, tare and net weight all
ASCII characters comprising 1 start bit, 7 data bits, 1 even parity bit and 1 stop bit. The data stream
transmitted by these indicators does NOT contain a “Print” function, therefore the GS8920 may only be
operated at the GS8920’s keyboard. The installation engineer must refer to the weight indicator’s
manual to obtain the procedure for establishing the above settings. Interconnecting cables are NOT
supplied for connection to indicators not manufactured by Gedge Systems. The installation engineer
will need to make up a cable which conforms to the figure below.
Note :-
Operation with A&D Indicators which provide one data string containing only the displayed
weight applies to GS8920s fitted with software Issue 0 version 9 or higher. The following operational
limitations apply to indicators which do not provide Gross, Net and Tare weight data in one data
stream :-
The GS8920 should not be set up to print Gross, Tare and Net weight unless the tare weight has
been entered via the GS8920 keyboard. That is, the GS8920’s key tare entry facility must be selected.
Failure to do this will result in the GS8920 using the single weight provided by the indicator as the
gross and tare value resulting in a net of zero.
If only the gross weight is to be printed, then the GS8920 should be set up to print only the gross
weight and the weight indicator should always display the gross weight. The GS8920 will assume that
the weight received from the indicator is the gross weight even if it is the net weight and a weighing
error can occur unless the installation personnel lock out access to the net weight display on the A&D
If only the net weight is to be printed, then the GS8920 should be set up to print only the net weight
and the weight indicator should always display the net weight. The GS8920 will assume that the
weight received from the indicator is the net weight even if it is the gross weight and a weighing error
can occure unless the installation personnel lock out access to the gross weight display on the A&D
2 .5 .1 .5 Interconnecting Cable.
A 1 metre interconnecting cable is provided with the GS8920 Ticket Printer to allow connection to any
Gedge Systems digital weight
indicator fitted with Option 02. If the
current loop Option 05 is to be used,
then the cable provided will need to
be modified by the user. Modification
for connection to an Option 05
involves reconnecting the wire on pin
7 of the 25 pin connector to pin 6 and
reconnecting the wires on pins 7 and 3
of the 9 pin connector to pins 5 and 4.
These connections are shown in the
table in the interconnecting drawing.
Cables are NOT provided for
interconnection of other brand
indicators but must be made up by the
installation engineer.
The standard interconnecting cable’s
25 pin male connector plugs into the
Option 02/05 board’s connector on the
digital weight indicator and the 9 pin
male connector plugs into the 9 pin female connector on the rear panel of the GS8920 Ticket Printer.
GS8920 Intelligent Ticket Printer.
Fig.2-1 Interconnecting Cable, GS8920 to Indicator.