A .3 Ac tive Mem ory Reg is ters.
A .3 .1 General.
The accumulator and tare memory registers are essential to the useful operation of the GS8920 Ticket
Printer. While the GS8920 has 50 accumulator registers and 50 tare registers, only one of each is kept
open at any one time. The GS8920 uses only the active accumulator or active tare register for its ticket
A .3 .2 Active Accumulator - Description and What it Means.
The GS8920 Ticket Printer has 50 accumulator registers, they are numbered 1 to 50. To help identify
the material accumulated, a 6 digit material code number or a 12 character alpha/numeric description
may be assigned to each one.
Weights, quantities and prices are totalized into the active accumulator’s registers whenever the
GS8920 prints a ticket.
The GS8920 keeps ONLY one of its 50 accumulators open at any one time and weight/price/quantity
data can ONLY be accumulated into that ONE accumulator. In addition, only the material code for the
active accumulator can be displayed and changed.
An accumulator can be selected as the active accumulator at ANY TIME. It does not have to be just
prior to a weighment. It can literally be months before the transaction. Once an accumulator is selected
as ACTIVE, it will remain active indefinitely until changed.
The active accumulator’s number and material code or description appear on all ticket printouts where
a weight is added to the accumulator.
A list can be printed of the accumulated weights, quantities and prices in any one or all of the 50
A .3 .3 Active Tare - Description and What it Means.
The GS8920 Ticket Printer has a key tare facility which is enabled or disabled on installation.
For printers in which the key tare facility is enabled, the tare weight on all ticket printouts comes from
the GS8920’s tare memory and not from the digital weight indicator to which the GS8920 is
The following ONLY applies to GS8920 installations in which the GS8920’s keyboard tare facility has
been made active during installation or where the GS8920 is used for “weigh in/weigh out”
The GS8920 Ticket Printer has 50 tare registers which are numbered 1 to 50. Tare weights are entered
into these registers either by direct key entry or automatically during “weigh in”.
The GS8920 keeps ONLY one tare register open at any one time. Tare weight data can ONLY be
entered into ONE of the 50 tare registers at a time. Also, a tare weight can only be recalled from one
tare register at a time.
A tare register can be selected as the active tare register at ANY TIME. It does not have to be just
prior to a weighment. It can literally be months before the transaction. Once a tare register is se lected
as ACTIVE, it will remain active indefinitely until changed either at the GS8920’s keyboard or
automatically during a “weigh in” operation.
All of the weight transactions in which a tare weight is used will use the weight from the active tare
register. The active tare register’s number appears on all ticket printouts where a tare weight is used.
GS8920 Intelligent Ticket Printer.