Fig. 119:
In Dialup
IP Pools
The WAN -> In Dialup -> IP Pools-> Add menu consists of the following fields:
Fields in the Options IP Pools menu
IP Pool Name
Enter the name of the IP pool.
IP Pool Range
In the first field, enter the first IP address of the range.
In the second field, enter the last IP address of the range.
10.2 ATM
10.2.1 Profiles
In the WAN -> ATM -> Profiles menu, a list of all ATM profiles is shown.
If the connection for your Internet access is set up using the internal modem, the ATM con-
nection parameters must be set for this.
By default an ATM profile with the description
is preconfigured. Its values
(VPI 1 and VCI 32) are suitable for a Telekom ATM connection, for example.
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
10 WAN
bintec R1xxx/R3xxx/R4xxx