information is forwarded and a dynamic entry created in the cache.
Otherwise, if global name servers are entered, the primary DNS server then the sec-
ondary DNS server are asked. If the IP address of your device or the loopback ad-
dress is entered for local applications, these are ignored here. If one of the DNS serv-
ers can resolve the name, the information is forwarded and a dynamic entry created in
the cache.
Otherwise, if a suitable Internet or dialin connection is selected as the standard inter-
face, the relevant DNS server is asked, depending on the configuration of the Internet
or dialin connections, if necessary by setting up a WAN connection at extra cost. If
one of the DNS servers can resolve the name, the information is forwarded and a dy-
namic entry created in the cache.
Otherwise, if overwriting the addresses of the global name servers is allowed ( DNS
Server Configuration =
), a connection is set up – in some cases at extra
cost – that is configured to enable DNS server addresses to be requested from DNS
servers (DNS Negotiation =
), if this has not been attempted previously. If
name server negotiation is successful, these are entered as global name servers and
are therefore available for further requests.
Otherwise the initial request is answered with a server error.
If one of the DNS servers answers with
non-existent domain
, the initial request is im-
mediately answered accordingly and a corresponding negative entry is made in the DNS
cache of your device.
14 Local services
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
bintec R1xxx/R3xxx/R4xxx