Part of the T-Com certification services for the Internet. Digital pass
for a company. With the ServerPass, T-Com confirms that a server
on the Internet belongs to a particular company and that this was
verified through the presentation of an excerpt from the business re-
Additional voice service from T-Com for the commercial distribution
of private information services. The T-Com services are limited to
providing the technical infrastructure and collection processing for
the information providers. The provided information is accessed us-
ing the telephone number 0190 which is uniform across Germany
plus a 6-digit telephone number. Information offering: Entertainment,
weather, finance, sport, health, support and service hotlines.
Additional voice service from T-Com. Allows calls to be received via
a location-independent telephone number uniform across Germany,
starting with the numbers 0700. Free-of-charge routing to national
fixed network. Enhancement with Vanity possible.
Additional voice service from T-Com. Replaces Service 0190.
Additional voice service 0180call from T-Com to receive calls from a
location-dependent telephone number uniform across Germany,
starting with the numbers 0180.
Menu-driven tool for the configuration of your gateway. The Setup
Tool can be used as soon as the gateway has been accessed
(serial, ISDN Login, LAN).
Single-Pair High-Speed
Is the defined amount of time after which a connection is cleared if
no more data is transmitted. Short hold can be set to static (fixed
amount of time) or dynamic (according to charging information).
Simultaneous signalling: All assigned terminals are called simultan-
eously. If a telephone is busy, call waiting can be used.
Simplex operation
(ISDN subscribers
This connection can only be used for an ISDN telephone (only T-
Concept PX722 system telephones) with a simplex function. If you
call an ISDN telephone with a simplex function, this automatically
activates the Loudspeaker function so that a conversation can take
place immediately. Please see the information on the telephone
user's guide on the simplex operation function.
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
bintec R1xxx/R3xxx/R4xxx