Fax machine function that "fetches" documents provided by other
fax machines or fax databases.
Plain Old Telephone System
Point-to-Point Protocol
Security mechanism. A method of authentication using passwords in
Point to Point Protocol over ATM
Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet
Primary Rate Interface
ISDN subscriber connection. The PRI consists of one D channel and
30 B channels (in Europe). (In America: 23 B channels and one D
channel.) There is also the ISDN Basic Rate Interface.
Protocols are used to define the manner and means of information
exchange between two systems. Protocols control and rule the
course of data communication at various levels (decoding, address-
ing, network routing, control procedures, etc.).
ARP = Address Resolution Protocol
Packet Switched Network
Public Switched Telephone Network
Telephones that have a R key (inquiry key) can also be connected
to a PBX. In modern telephones, the R key triggers the hook flash
function. This is required for use of performance features in T-Net
such as inquiry/brokering and three-party conference.
Remote Authentication Dial In User Service
Rate-Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line
Remote access service
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
bintec R1xxx/R3xxx/R4xxx