NAT (see RFC 3715, section 2). These primarily prevent the
setup of an IPSec tunnel from a host within a LANs and behind
a NAT device to another host or device. NAT-T enables these
kinds of tunnels without conflicts with NAT device, activated
NAT is automatically detected by the IPSec Daemon and NAT-T
is used.
The function is activated with
The function is enabled by default.
CA Certificates
Only if Authentication Method =
DSA Signature
RSA Sig-
RSA Encryption
If you enable the Trust following CA certificates option, you
can select up to three additional CA certificates that are accep-
ted for this profile.
This option can only be configured if certificates are loaded.
11.1.3 Phase-2 Profiles
You can define profiles for phase 2 of the tunnel setup just as for phase 1.
In the VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-2 Profiles menu a list of all configured IPSec phase-2 pro-
files is shown.
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH
11 VPN
bintec R1xxx/R3xxx/R4xxx