Installation Instruction
Page 80 Panda_12mini_PMS_Digital_s00865_Installation manual.V02 - Chapter D: Installation Instruction
A) upper switching point (disconnection)
B) lower switching point (insertion)
C) td = time lag of the generators after achie-
vement of the upper switching point
1.measuring voltage plus (+)
2.measuring voltage minus (-)
3.Charging voltage
4.Battetry lower voltage
5.not allocated
6.not allocated
7.output positive (+)
8 output negative (-)
Fig. D-37: Voltage controller
D.10.3Time lag of the switching points
For the upper as well as for the lower switching point a time delay is adjusted. That is, the voltage
must have overstep or fall short of the switching point on the time lag.
Following values are adjusted:
a) upper switching point (13,6V), lag: min. 20 seconds
b) lower switching point (11,52V), lag: 40 seconds
Additional notes to the recommendation "External, electrical voltage controller"
At Diesel engines count always on the fact that a diesel engine "revs up" due to special circum-
stances uncontrolled. This is the case if by damage to the system engine oil arrives into the suck-
ing in way. This is possible at many engines by the crank case exhaust. A crank damage could
cause for example that by overpressure too much oil is pressed into the crank case, so that this
oil arrives into the sucking in way. The engine cannot switch off itself any longer. Usually then a
damage to the engine is the result. It would be fatal, even if this damage to the engine were the
cause of the destruction of all switched on electrical load, because uncontrolled revving up of the
Diesel engine leads also to an extreme increase of the voltage. Only by an external voltage con-
troller with separation contactor can be prevented such damage.