Installation Instruction
Panda_12mini_PMS_Digital_s00865_Installation manual.V02 - Chapter D: Installation Instruction Page 67
Fig. D.21: Example for unfavorable installation
D.6 Fuel System Installation
D.6.1 General References
Inside the generator capsule itself, there is the fuel filter installed (Exception Panda 4500). Addi-
tional fuel filters (with water seperator) must be mounted outside the capsule in easily accessible
places in the fuel lines between the tank intake fuel pump and the diesel motor's fuel pump.
Generally forward and return fuel flow pipes must be mounted to the diesel tanks. Do not connect
the generator fuel supply lines with any other fuel lines of other diesel systems.
The following items need to be installed:
- Fuel supply pump (12V-DC)
- Pre-filter with water separator (not part of the delivery)
- Fine particle fuel filter
- Return fuel line to fuel tank (unpressurized)
The fuel supply pump should be mounted as close to the fuel tank as possible. The electric cable
for the fuel pump is already installed on the generator (length 5m).
Example of an unfavorable installation:
- water lock not deeply enough under the hights level of the generator
- distance water lock to exhaust/water separator too largely