Installation Instruction
Page 60 Panda_12mini_PMS_Digital_s00865_Installation manual.V02 - Chapter D: Installation Instruction
b. De-aerating screw on the thermostat
Fig. D.12: De-aerating screw - thermostat housing
c. De-aerating screw on the pipe socket of
the internal cooling water pump.
Fig. D.13: De-aerating screw - water pump
2. Filling the cooling water circle
a. Fill in the prepared mixture (cooling
water with anti-freeze protection according
to the intended mixture) at the filler neck at
the housing of the water-cooled exhaust
elbow union slowly so long, until cooling
water leaks at the de-aerating screw of the
thermostat housing.
b. Afterwards the cooling water cap must
be screwed on firmly. Further both de-aer-
ating screws at the thermostat housing
and at the internal cooling water pump
must be closed.
Fig. D.14: Fill in coolant