Fischer Panda
FISCHER GENERATORS have been manufactured since 1978 and are a well-known brand for first class diesel gene-
rators with especially effective sound-insulation.
Fischer has been one of the leading manufacturers in respect of quality and know-how during this period.
FISCHER, as the worldwide manufacturer of modern marine diesel generators, developed the Sailor-Silent series for
example and produced a GFK sound-insulated capsule as early as 1979 and the basis for new generator technology.
The companies Fischer and Icemaster amalgamated under the direction of Icemaster in 1988, in order to concentrate
on the development of new products. Production was moved to Paderborn.
The amalgamation of the two qualified companies led to the development of a complete new programme within a short
space of time. The gensets developed at that time set new technological standards worldwide.
The gensets became more efficient and powerful than other gensets in the same nominal performance range, because
of the improved cooling. Panda generator demonstrated its superiority in several tests by renowned institutes and
magazines during the past years. The patented VCS (voltage Control System) means it can meet all demands including
motor speed. The start-booster (ASB) means Panda generators meet the highest demands in respect of voltage stabi-
lity and starting values A Panda generator, with the same drive motor, produces 15% more effective output than the
majority of conventional generators. This superiority in efficiency also ensures a fuel saving to the same extent.
The 100% water-cooled Panda genset are currently manufactured in the performance range from 2 to 100 kW in
various versions. Fast running motors are preferred for performances up to approx 30 kW (Nominal speed 3000 rpm).
The heavier slow runners are preferred for the higher range. The fast running gensets have proved themselves many
times for many uses, that they meet the demands in quality of yachts and vehicles, and offer space and weight saving
of 50% compared to slow running generators.
In addition to the Panda series, Icemaster also supply the super compact high-tech sound-insulated battery charging
genset from the DC/AC Panda AGT series, which is a very interesting solution for the production of mobile power.
The new HTG-alternators ensure that a charging rate of 285 amps is achieved that was scarcely thought possible for
this compact construction. This alternator replaces a separate shipboard generators (constant 230 volts AC with up to
3500 kW from the main machine)
ICEMASTER GmbH, 33104 Paderborn, reserves all rights regarding text and graphics. Details are given to the best of our knowledge. No liability is accepted for correct-
ness. Technical modifications for improving the product without previous notice may be undertaken without notice. Before installation, it must be ensured that the Pictures,
diagrams and related material are applicable to the genset supplied. Enquiries must be made in case o doubt.
since 1977
Icemaster GmbH
since 1978
Fischer Marine
since 1988
Conclusion Fischer -
Icemaster GmbH
since 1988
100 % water cooled
Panda generators
since 1988
Panda Vehicle