Generator Failure
Panda_12mini_PMS_Digital_s00865_Installation manual.V02 - Chapter C: Generator Failure Page 45
C.4 Low Generator-Output Voltage
If the produced alternating voltage is too low, switch the load off, in order to relieve the generator.
Mostly the problem already solved. If the output voltage is still too low, even if all load is switched
off, the generator runs without load, you can assume one or more condensers are defective.
C.4.1 Discharge the capacitors
ATTENTION! Never work at the electrical cabinet, when the generator is running! Do not
contact the capacitor. Before working on the system read the section “Safety Precautions”
on Page vii.
1) Switch off generator
2) Disconnect starter battery
3) Open the sound cover
4) Remove the caps of the capacitors
The capacitors are discharged, by short
circuit the two contacts. In addition use the
cone end of an isolated screwdriver.
Fig. C.10: Discharge capacitors
C.4.2 Checking the capacitors
If the capacitors are to be checked, it is to be made certain that the capacitors will be
discharged before touching.
Already a visual check can give information
on whether the capacitors are defective:
- Leaks dielectric?
- did the capacitor became longer?
The capacitors can be tested with a multime-
ter. Switch the measuring instrument to "pass"
and connect both connections of the capacitor
with the connections at the measuring instru-
Touch with the test prods the two contacts of
the capacitor. By the internal battery a charge
transfer in the capacitor should take place
If changes the poles of the capacitor with the
test prods, again a short "beep" should have
to be heard. This short sound is only an indi-
cation for the fact that the capacitor is not
Fig. C.11: Checking capacitors