Generator Failure
Page 44 Panda_12mini_PMS_Digital_s00865_Installation manual.V02 - Chapter C: Generator Failure
C.3.5 VCS By-Pass Facility
If there is a problem in the VCS which cannot be cured (e.g. awaiting parts), the generator can be
run safely and normally with the VCS generator output monitor disconnected. The engine speed
can then (if necessary) be adjusted as already described to produce the required voltage and the
generator will run normally.
C.3.6 Low Generator Output Voltage
ATTENTION! Before working (installation) on the System read the section “Safety Precau-
tions” on Page vii. in this Manual.
Panda generators are designed such that even high electrical variations will not cause serious
damage to the generator.
If the generator does not produce any voltage while the engine is running, the suspected cause
lies outside the generator capsule.
• electrical load not switched off prior to start
• short circuit somewhere in electrical system
• electrical overload