Installation Instruction
Panda_12mini_PMS_Digital_s00865_Installation manual.V02 - Chapter D: Installation Instruction Page 65
D.5.2 Exhaust / water separator
The exhaust/water separator
In order to reduce the noise level of the generator unit to a minimum, an optional exhaust outlet
muffler mounted next to the thru-hull fitting can be installed. Additionally there is component at
ICEMASTER, which exercise both functions of a "exhaust goose neck", and the water separation.
With this "exhaust/water separator" the cooling water is derived over a separate pipe. Thereby the
exhaust noises at the exterior of the yacht are strongly decreased. Particularly the "water plash"
The water flow on the exhaust/water separator
unit has an inner diameter (ID) of 30mm. If the
path from the water separator to the raw water
outlet is very short, the hose can be further redu-
ced to 1" (25mm) ID.
Fig. D.18: Exhaust/water separator
1. Raw water outlet ø 30mm
2. Hose connector ø 30mm
3. Reducer 30/20mm (if required)
4. Hose
5. Hose connector
6. Sea cock
7. Hull outlet
8. Hose clips
Fig. D.19: Exhazst/water separator