Generator Failure
Panda_12mini_PMS_Digital_s00865_Installation manual.V02 - Chapter C: Generator Failure Page 47
C.4.5 Checking the coil(s) to short-circuit
In order to check the coils for short-circuit, first all lines, which lead to the electrical system, must
be interrupted. This happens on the power terminal box of the generator or, if available, in the
electrical system junction box. Guarantee that no voltage lies at the lines, before they are inter-
rupted (see Fig. C.10, “Discharge capacitors,” on Page 45).
Now remove the bridge between "N" and "PE", so that coils and housing are electrically separate
from each other.
Check with a circuit indicator (multimeter) in the power terminal box if between the individual con-
nection points of the coil and the housing (PE) a pass exists.
The contacts which can be measured depend on the
type of the generator (see identification plate):
HP1 - 50Hz: L, Z
HP1 - 60Hz: L, Z
HP3 - 50Hz:: L1, L2, L3
HP3 - 60Hz:: L1, L2, L3, 1, 2, 3 , 4
DVS - 50Hz : L1, L2, L3, L1’
DVS - 60Hz : L1, L2, L3, L1’, 1, 2, 3, 4
If a pass (beep) should be determined, the generator must be returned for examination in the
plant, or it can also be wound again locally. For this coil datas can be requested.
Fig. C.12: Identification plate
C.4.6 Measuring the inductive resistance
Unfortunately the checking of the ohmic resistance permits still no reliable statement about the
condition of the coil. If the ohmic resistance values arise inequalities between the coils, that is a
safe indication for the fact that the coil is defective. To be exactly sure the inductive resistance of
the coil have to be measured. For this a special measuring instrument is necessary, which mea-
sures the inductance of a coil.
Inductance is measured in the same way as the ohmic resistance, i.e. the coils are compared.
The value is indicated in mH (milli Henry).
The arranging value for the inductive resistance can take from the section E.2, “Technical data”
on page VI.
Note: These values depends strongly from the measuring method (kind of the measuring instru-