Orange jam
cake (program #10)
1. Mix group 1 together in a separate bowl.
2. Sieve group 2 together in a second bowl.
3. Combine groups 1 and 2 together until mixed.
4. Pour mixture into bread pan.
Use setting 10 Cake
Sandwich bread (program #11)
Question about general performance and operation
Why do the loaves vary in height and weight? the whole wheat/wholewheat breads are
always shorter. Am I doing something wrong?
No. it is normal for Whole Wheat and Wholemeal breads to be shorter and denser than Basic or French
breads. Wholewheat and Wholemeal flour are heavier than white bread flour therefore they don’t rise as much
during the bread making process. This is also true for bread containing fruit, nuts oats and bran.
Why didn’t the bread rise?
The yeast could be bad past it’s sell by date or possibly no yeast was added
at all. Also, if the mixing was not complete rising problems could develop.
Why does my bread rise and then collapse or crater?
The bread may be rising too much. To reduce the rate of rising reduce the
amount of yeast and/or increase the amount of salt.
Why do I get air bubbles at the top of the bread?
This can be caused by using too much yeast. Decrease the yeast by ¼ tsp.
the kneading blade is stuck in the bread pan. After baking how do I get it out?
The kneading blade may ‘stick’ in place after baking. Running warm or hot
water over the blade should loosen it enough to be removed. If still stuck,
Oranges (big size)
4 pcs
500 g
Lemon juice
1 lemon juice
Rind of oranges grated of 1-2 oranges
Standard cake mix
Ingredients group 1:
Ingredients group 2:
Butter (melted) 3/4 cup
White bread flour
1+5/8 cup
Vanila essence
1/4 tsp
Baking powder 2 tsp
Eggs (beaten)
3pcs middle size
Caster sugar 1cup
Lemon juice
2 tsp
Sandwich bread
260 ml
1+1/3 cup
Butter (melted) 1+1/2 tbsp
2 tbsp
Sunflower oil
1+1/2 tbsp
2 tbsp
3 tbsp
3+1/2 tbsp
1/2 tsp
1 tsp
Strong white bread flour 3 cup
4 cup
Fast action yeast 3/4 tsp
1 tsp