Chapter 4 Gateway Configuration
1. Go to Main Menu>Gateway Configuration>Off-Premises PSTNGW.
2. Click the Add button to add a new gateway to Blaze/Savanna Server’s
“Off-Premises Analog Gateway List”.
3. Refer to the section above “Analog Gateways” to configure the “Name”,
“MAC Address”, “Gateway Type”, “CO Line Ports”, “SLT Ports”, “CO
Line Index Base” and “Jitter Buffer Depth”.
4. For Off-Premises Gateways, you will need to enter its “IP Address”. The IP
Address assigned to this Off-Premises Gateways has to be a REAL
(PUBLIC) IP address. In the Signal Port, InterPBX will automatically preset
the port therefore you do not have to make any changes here.
5. Min. Loop Current Drop Time: Normally, when a telephone call terminates,
the telephone company sends a momentary drop in loop current to signal
the disconnect event. Please enter the minimum Loop Current Drop time in
this field to avoid the IP-PBX system detecting the disconnect signal
incorrectly. The value should not be too long or too short. Recommended
value is 400 ms.
6. If you have connected any type of paging device, select the “External
Paging Enabled” to activate this feature, then create and enter a code in the
Paging Code field to use this feature.
7. Lastly, if desired, you may activate the QoS feature from your Off-Premises
Gateway by enabling it here.
After finishing creating the gateways, you may edit the ports incoming and
outgoing volume as described in “Editing Analog Gateways” section above.
Configuring Off-Premises CO Line Ports