Chapter 10 Multi-Server Management
1. Go to Main Menu>Multi-Server Management>Joint Server. Click the Add
button to create a Joint Server.
2. Input remote Blaze/Savanna Server’s Server ID at “Master Server ID”.
3. Input the remote Blaze/Savanna Server’s IP address at “Master Server IP”.
If the remote Blaze/Savanna Server is installed behind NAT, select the
“Behind NAT” check box and input the remote NAT equipment’s public IP
address here.
4. If the remote Blaze/Savanna Server has a redundancy, input its Slave
Server ID and IP address accordingly.
5. When you have off-premises extensions, select “Access Local through
NAT” check box if your system and the Joint Server communicate via VPN
or under the same NAT device, or uncheck if both sides have an
independent NAT device.
6. If the remote Joint Server supports QoS, you may click on QoS to activate
this feature.
When Joint Server is activated, if your Blaze/Savanna Server is behind
NAT, you will need to open the UDP port 6055. The same principle applies to
the unit linked by Joint Server, if this also is behind NAT, you will also need to
open the UDP port 6055 on the NAT router.
If the remote network is under NAT, in the event of a failure, you will
not be able to communicate with the Joint Server’s redundancy server when it
takes over the control. This is because the remote Master and Slave server are
connected to the Internet via the same NAT public IP address. If remote Master
cannot resume communication shortly, Joint Server’s administrator will need to
open a specific port on the remote NAT router and direct it to the Slave.