Hunting Method, 114
Increase Virtual Phones, 43
Installing Blaze/Savanna Server, 15
Installing IP Phones, 29
Installing SoftPhone, 36
Installing Voice Gateway, 21
InterClient, 179
InterClient Web-based Version, 179
Inter-Digit and AA Timeout, 133
Inter-Digit Timeout, 48
Internal Notification, 174
Joint Server, 162
Joint Server Extension List, 165
Leave Message Directly, 135
License Key, 147
Links with Joint Server, 164
Listening to Messages, 171
Listening to Messages from E-mail, 177
Listening to Messages Remotely, 176
Logout If No Answer, 116
MAC Address, 92
Mailbox, 101
Mailbox Language, 175
Mailbox Password, 175
Max Trunk-to-Trunk Duration, 48
Max Wait-Time in Queue, 115
Members Login/Logoff, 115
Messages Storage Settings, 133
Modifying a Digital Gateway, 75
Music On Hold, 25, 50
Name Directory, 132
NAT, 49
NAT, 163
NAT Proxy, 82
Notification, 103
Off-Hook Access to, 92
Off-Premises Gateways, 66
Operator, 129
Password Management, 56
Pickup After Rings, 64
Playing A Recording, 177
Power Failure Transfer, 22
QoS, 49
Queuing, 115, 118
Queuing Announcement, 115
Reboot, 153
Record Personal Greetings, 173
Recording System, 69
Redundant Server, 160
Remote CO Lines Access Control, 164
Reset to Default, 154
Restore System Files, 149
Ring Assignment, 64, 86
Notification, 134
Ring-No-Answer timeout, 115
Route, 54
Sending a Message, 172
Sending A Recording, 178
Server ID, 160
Set Up Forward External, 137
Setting Digital Trunk ARS, 79
Setting Trunk Parameters, 75
Setting Trunk Port Parameters, 76
Settings on SIP Phones, 109
Silence Compression, 64
Silence Suppression, 94
SIP Phone List, 109
SIP Proxy, 83
Slave Blaze/Savanna Server, 161
SMTP Server, 47
Station Speed Dialing, 99
Store on Demand List, 71
System Capacity, 211
System Date/Time, 57
System Log, 156
System Speed Dialing, 53